Dr. Wesley Tyrone Proctor was born to Catherine Proctor and the late James Proctor on July 28, 1971. He is a graduate of George Washington Carver High School of Engineering and Science and is a proud member of the White-Williams Scholars class of 1989.
After high school, he received a scholarship to attend the University of Delaware. At Delaware, he received numerous awards and served on several university and community related committees, including the University of Delaware’s Board of Trustees.
Adding to his outstanding commitment at Delaware, he received his Bachelor’s Degree in English with a concentration in Business and Technical Writing 1993.
After Delaware, he attended Temple University and received his Master’s Degree in 1994. Shortly after obtaining his Master’s in Education, he was awarded the Dr. Marcus Foster Fellowship. This fellowship funded his doctoral education at the University of Pennsylvania.
At age 26, he obtained the degree of Doctor of Education from the University of Pennsylvania in 1998. His dissertation was entitled: “A Piece of the Ivy: A Case Study of Black Student Retention at the University of Pennsylvania,” and his final defense merited distinction by his committee.
While at Penn, Wesley worked as the Speech Writer for Dr. Judith Rodin, the first female President of the University of Pennsylvania, and he was later appointed as Director of Multicultural Recruitment Program for the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Proctor is also well-known and respected across the country because of his expertise in helping hundred of churches and other non-profit organizations obtain their 501(c)(3) status from the IRS.
Currently, Dr. Proctor serves on the Board of Directors for numerous organizations including: the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for AIDS Research and Philadelphia Futures, Inc.
Recently, Dr. Proctor was awarded the 2014 Presidential Citation for Outstanding Achievement by the University of Delaware, which is the institution’s highest alumni award.
Wesley published four books entitled: How to Give Your Pastor A Happy Anniversary, Footprints of the Future: A Youth Journal Vol.1, Footprints of the Future: A Christian Guide to Sexual Issues Vol. 2, and his recent release, Footprints of the Future, the Complete Edition.
In addition, he is the CEO/Founder of Wesley Proctor Ministries, Inc., which is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting spiritual and academic excellence.
Dr. Proctor was featured in Gospel Today as one of “2008’s Most Loved Youth Pastors.”